Varsha Morarka

Multi-Dimensional Healer & Spiritual Practitioner

Language: English, Hindi

Exp: 25 Years

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Varsha Morarka, is a trained Reiki Master and a Pranic Healer, completing her Basic and Advanced as well as Soul Realisation Mastery Classes. Along the way, she has also completed courses in Handwriting analysis, NLP and Crystal Healing. She has also studied Mantra Healing. A trained Clinical Hypnotherapist (she learnt her course with The Hypnotherapy School of India), a Spirit Release Therapist, she has completed a 2 yr Diploma in Multi-Dimensional, Transpersonal Deep Healing with Dr. Hans Tendam of Holland.

She has been awarded a year scholarship with the School of Self-Mastery with the Above Teacher, and is an adept at Manifestation Techniques. The Course was from 2018-2019. She has completed all her Ganapati Sadhna’s under Maharishi Gautam. She has also added Prachee Ganapati Healing (Distant) as a part of her services, using the Prachee Ganapati Mudras and Chihnas. This ancient healing method uses the Mooshika Shakti and the Danti Mudras along with 6 extraordinary symbols.

​ Continuing her quest for growth, she completed a 10 day workshop in the month of January,2017, with AVADHOOT BABA SHIVANANDJI, the Indian Healing Master and got her initiations in the invoking and healing of the Navagrahas, which is also offered as a part of the offered Services. She went on to do the 10 Day Yoga for the Immortals with the same Guru (2019) and received initiations.

She has got her initiation into the ancient scripture of Shakti Sadhna and it’s mystic meditation. She is in the process of mastering the Sri Vidya Saptashati Tantrokta Sadhna, Shree Durgaasaptashatee Beejmantraatmak Sadhana, and the Shree Devi Khadagmala. She has completed a one year course with Sananda and Shekinah and Christoff on the Innerversity of Divine Potential In Multi-Dimensional Mastery and Attunements.

She is also a Lemurian High Priestess and has received this initiation from Lady SanRa, a Lemurian High Priestess, in August , 2019. Working with children are her passion and she is in the process of creating a Meditation Curriculum based on the ancient Knowledge of the GuruMandala. Her White Light Meditation has been introduced with very positive, creative results.


1. White Light Healer
2. Goddess Card Reading
3. Initiations
4. Akashic Record readings
5. Breathwork sessions

Client Feedback

Dear Varsha, I had liberating experiences while doing Varahi meditation on Day3. Witnessed clearings happening within my head area and an implant coming out of lower part of my head.While you were leading through the meditation and asking Tat Tvam Asi psychic grids to clear energies,found the chakra cutting chords (negative attachments)with my family of origin (both sides) and with partner’s family.Sensed immense freedom immediately after the session. Thank you for the service that you share with us.

I received the energetic clearing transmission this morning from Varsha. I had not slept well last night and was very tired when I woke up. After the clearing, I felt energetic, present, awake and alive. It was a big difference in my energy level and ability to engage (I have a full day today). Gratitude and much love ❤️the vaccine clearing sessions.

Beautiful. I feel so light. All purple violet energy. The purple energy entered every cell in the body. And purple roses springing out of me and forming a beautiful energy cocoon. Feeling so relaxed. I’ve been so knotted up for long, and this clearance and purple infusion feels so beautiful and soft and sacred. Thank you dear Varsha

Dear Varsha Madam, Another Spectacular experience of mine today. I have completed Varaha Meditation of 40 days just recently & started the “Higher Self Meditation”.Its been only 4 days of this meditation and I got know the name of my Higher Self. Aah.. Its such a wonderful experience of mine and I look forward for such more.. I really want to thank you lots and lots for leading me on this journey.

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Thank you for connecting Varsha Morarka! We will get back to you soon. Stay blessed!